quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008

Exercício 19

Answer the questions according to the pictues:
1 - Books :
a) How often do you buy books ?
b) If you had to write a book, what would you write about ?
2 - Taxi :
a) How often do you take taxis ?
b) Have you ever had a problem in one ?
3 - T-shirt :
a) What are two verbs that can be related to this picture ?
b) What are two ways of asking its price ?
4 - TV :
a) How much time do you watch it on weekends ?
b) Describe the image you see.
5 - Bedroom :
a) Describe this bedroom using 3 adjectives.
b) Name 5 things you can find here.
6 - Window :
a) Do you think it's a good size or too big ?
b) Would you like to have a window like this one here? Why ?
7 - Singer :
a) Where can he work ?
b) What kind of music do you think he sings and why ?
8 - Apple :
a) How often do you eat apples ?
b) What comes to your mind when you see the image of an apple ?
( Já ouvi respostas sensacionais para esta pergunta )
9 - Soccer :
a) What are they wearing ?
b) How often do you go to soccer stadiums ?
10 - Supermarket :
a) What would you buy there now and why ?
b) Have you ever had any kind of trouble ata the supermarket ?

quarta-feira, 30 de julho de 2008

Exercício 18

Cuidado com algumas particularidades da língua inglesa. Lembre-se sempre: Ela não é baseada na Língua Portuguesa.

Obs - As palavras e frases dos exemplos estão todas certas.
  1. Comfortable - Não há a regra de "m" só antes de "p"e "b".
  2. Interesting - Fortunately - Não há a limitação de a sílaba tônica ser oxítona, paroxítona ou proparoxítona.
  3. I like my job - A transitividade também nem sempre é igual. Muitos pensam em Português e dizem I like of my job.
  4. I am a doctor - I play the piano - Em Português não existem estes artigos nestes tipos de frases, são características da língua inglesa para estes dois casos: profissão e instrumentos musicais.
  5. They have ten books. There are ten books here - Duas coisas importantes aqui: usamos have para posse e as flexões do verbo there to be para existência. Muitas pessoas falam "Have ten books here." E em português colocamos acento na primeira frase. "Eles têm 10 livros" por causa do sujeito plural.

Exercício - Foram citados 5 exemplos que poderiam ser 10 ou 15. Tente lembrar de mais um.

terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008

Exercício 17

Crie frases, ou, melhor ainda, faça uma redação usando as imagens ao lado.
Boa sorte !

Exercício 16

1 - This is the __________ of South America.
2 - Brazil is the __________ country. ( Superlative )
3 - Buenos Aires is the __________ of Argentina.
4 - Cali and Medellin are __________ in Colombia.
5 - The Panama __________ connects the Oceans.
6 - Negro, Xingu and Madeira are __________ in Brazil.
7 - __________: who was born in Peru.
8 - Marajó is an __________ in the northern part of Brazil.
9 - There are 13 __________ in South America.
10 - The __________ mountain in Brazil is Pico da Neblina. ( Superlative )
11 - There are beautiful beaches in every country __________ Bolivia and Paraguay.
12 - The __________ in Argentina is the Peso.
13 - Recife is in the __________ part of the continent.
14 - São Luís is much __________ than Porto Alegre. ( Comparative )
15 - The Atacama is a __________ in Chile.
16 - There are almost 200 million __________ in Brazil.
17 - São Paulo is the main __________ in Brazil.
18 - A lot of people go __________ in the winter in Chile and Argentina.
19 - __________ to a recent survey, Chile is the best place to __________ in South America.
20 - You can't go from Bogotá to Rio __________ foot, you'll have to go __________ plane.

segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2008

Diário em redação

Tô colocando aqui o dia de ontem ( Domingo, 27/7/2008 ) como uma espécie de diário em Inglês pra ajudar a galera com redação. Muita gente sente muitas dificuldades em conectar as informações ao escrever. Dêem uma olhada, coloquei em destaque 10 pontos, algumas construções que os brasileiros ou não sabem, ou tendem a escrever como uma tradução do que é pensado em Português, ao pé da letra.

My family and I had a very nice day yesterday. We enjoyed ourselves doing a lot of interesting things.
I woke up a little after 7:30 a.m and, as it happens every day, my dog "Marmota" went crazy as soon as I called him a few seconds after getting up.
I took my bike and went to Aterro do Flamengo in order to exercise a little. The weather was great: sunny and cool.
I spent one hour riding and, before coming back home, I went to the supermarket to buy bread and matte for breakfast.
At home, it took us about 30 minutes to eat and get ready to go to the beach.
Then, we went to Barra da Tijuca by car, got there at 12:30 and spent two hours there.
After that we went to a restaurant to have lunch. We ate pizza, drank coke and watched a soccer match on TV.
Finally, in the evening, we played Burnout Revenge, had dinner at 9 o´clock, talked on the phone, took a shower and went to bed.

sábado, 26 de julho de 2008

Exercício 15

Use palavras adequadas para completar a redação abaixo.
Este exercício visa a avaliar a capacidade de entendimento gramatical do aluno e seu nível de vocabulário.
Nível - Intermediário

It __________ a rainy day yesterday and I didn't have anything to do at __________. I was tired of __________ books and __________ soccer matches on TV all day long so I put on a __________, closed the window in my __________ and left..
I decided it was time to go to the supermarket. I was __________ out of food and the next five days I would have to work a lot so I would probably have to __________ in restaurants and __________ a lot of money. I thought it was smarter to buy some things right away and avoid __________ so much.
When I __________ there I ran into an old friend of __________, a singer, Paulo. He was thinner and looked worried. I asked __________ what was happening but he told me he was only tired. We talked for a __________ minutes and then he came back to his wife and kids and I started shopping.
I thought it was a good __________ to buy some fruit like apples, bananas and strawberries. They are healthy and cheap.
I also bought cheese, __________, bread and milk for my breakfast and meat and fish for dinner. Finally, a lot of vegetables too.
When I left the market __________ was still raining so I decided to take a __________ to come back home. I was carrying a lot of weight and I would probably get very __________ if I came back walking.
When I got home I just put all the things away, took a shower and came back to my readings. It was getting dark and I was planning to go to __________ early.

sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2008

Minhas colunas no jornal 4

Estudando assuntos mais complexos

Oi pessoal! Vou começar a coluna deste mês agradecendo a todos que enviaram e-mails e àqueles que adquiriram livros e marcaram aulas. Muito obrigado! Vocês me fazem ser cada vez mais apaixonado pela minha profissão.

Gostei também de ver leitores pedindo tópicos mais difíceis. É isso aí, o caminho é este! Então, este mês, vou tratar de três assuntos um pouco mais complicados. São eles There to be, It takes e Wish. Em comum entre eles está o fato de proibirem expressamente a tradução imediata do pensamento do Português para o Inglês, o que eu sempre falo para todo mundo evitar mesmo.
Comecemos, pois, com o menos difícil dos três: o verbo There to be.

O maior problema que os alunos têm com ele é ignorá-lo quase sempre e aplicar o verbo Have, que é inadequado em alguns casos. Quando ele equivale a possuir é possível usá-lo sem sustos como em I have a lot of friends e They have two cars.

Mas quando este “ter” corresponde a existir, temos de fazer de forma diferente. Se você pensa em “Tem dois livros que eu quero comprar”, não se pode dizer Have two books..., usamos There are two books I wanna buy.

E a forma como se mexe neste tempo verbal é a mesma do mais simples caso do verbo to be.


He is a good guy - He isn’t a good guy - Is he a good guy?
There is a pen here - There isn’t a pen here - Is there a pen here?

Ótimo, vamos ao próximo: It takes. Pense em “Eu levo 20 minutos para almoçar”. Ficaria I take 20 minutes to have lunch? De jeito nenhum. Vamos ter sempre It como sujeito da frase e variando os pronomes na forma oblíqua.
It takes ME 20 minutes to have lunch.
It took HIM 8 hours to get to São Paulo
It will take US a long time to walk this distance.

E para terminar: Wish. Esta palavrinha expressa desejo de fazer alguma coisa e é freqüentemente ignorada nas construções de frases.

“Eu queria ter muito dinheiro” é uma frase perfeita em Português, mas I wanted to have a lot of money é pra lá de inadequada em Inglês. Usamos Wish - I wish I had a lot of money. Nada de infinitivo e, repare, o desejo de um futuro diferente coloca o verbo no passado!
She wishes she lived in Barcelona.
Maria wishes Mike loved her.

Great! Até a próxima.

quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2008

Gabaritos dos Exercícios 10 a 14

Gabarito 10

1 - Sue has got many friends.

Sue has got many friends. Sue hasn´t hot many friends. Has Sue got many friends ?

Sue has many friends, Sue doesn´t have many friends. Does Sue have many friends ?

2 - They used to be soccer players.
She used to be a good tennis player.
She didn´t use to be a tennis player.
Did she use to be a...?

What did she use to do when she was a child ?She used to read a lot of books.

3 - Está. Não usamos to depois de rather.
She told me she´d prefer to watch...

4 - was buying
Ação em andamento no passado.

5 - a - What did Maria lose yesterday ?
When did Maria lose her wallet ?

b - Who did you go to the movies with ?
What did you and Bill do ?

c - What did Marcus say ?
What isn´t Marcus capable of ?

d - How much is this book ou How much does this book cost ?
What costs 90 dollars ?

6 – “Have a lot of changes in this town lately”
There have been a lot of changes...
Have a seat.

7 – Qual a diferença entre:
A – You mustn’t go there tomorrow e you don´t have to go there tomorrow.
Mustn´t - Proibição
Don´t have to - Não necessidade.

8 – Qual o passado de I must go ?
I had to go

Gabarito 11

Pergunta simples
Quando já sabemos a informação e ficamos muito surpresos com ela.
Quando "forçamos"uma resposta positiva.

2 - Porque buscam o sujeito das frases como ponto principal da resposta.

3 -
A primeira é dita de manhã ( e aí o período de tempo ainda estaria em andamento ) e a segunda de tarde, e o período (manhã) estaria acabado.

4 - Deve ser might, may e até could, modais que tratam de POSSIBILIDADE, e não can, que trata de HABILIDADE.
O melhor é might.

5 - O verbo vem com ING quando é o sujeito da frase.

6 - It's an unbelievable situation.
They are only 5-year-old children.
It's a useless book.

Gabarito 12

Sue is a teacher.
She teaches Portuguese.
All the people learn a lot in her classes. They love her !
Sue comes home at 2 and has lunch.
By 5 pm she goes shopping. Sometimes she has to clean her house.
She usually visits her grandmother and has a snack with her.
Every Sunday she meets her parents.

What does Sue do ?
What does Sue teach ?
Who do the people love ?
What time does Sue come home ?
What does she do by 5p.m ?
Who does she usually visit ?
How often does she meet her parents ?

MAsculino - Trocar she por he.
Trocar os her por his quando representarem posse e por him quando representarem objeto.
Grandmother - Grandfather

I love you.
She is a doctor.
I have 567 books.
Meet me at the mall in 5 minutes.
Clean up this mess !
Go away !
I can't sleep with the tv on.
Come here.
I've finally found out that I can't learn Japanese.
Teach me how to play chess.
Have him come here now.
I visit my grandmother every month.

Gabarito 14

vary e não very
ride e não hide
hat e não hot
word e não work
sit e não set
up e não us
wall e não well
shirt e não short
plane e não plant
floor e não flour
cops e não caps
fly e não fry
dish e não fish
makes e não takes
two e não too
than e não then
fox e não fix
live e não five ( essa era moleza )
map e não lap
thinks e não thanks

quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2008

Exercício 14

As linhas abaixo ou não fazem sentido ou estão erradas. Mas se mudarmos uma única letrinha, conseguiremos entendê-las perfeitamente. Localize a palavra e faça a mudança.

These prices very from one city to another.
I can hide a horse.
She bought a nice hot yesterday.
I can´t understand a single work he´s saying.
Set down and listen to me.
I´ve made us my mind: I won´t go there anymore.
Put the clock on the well !
I need a new short.
The plant is flying.
She´s just washed the flour.
Call the caps ! There´s a thief there !
Human beings can´t fry.
I need a new fish. Mine is broken.
She takes me study every day.
We need too cars.
Maria is more intelligent then Sue.
Man, she´s a fix !
I can´t five without you.
I won´t be able to get to your house without a lap.
She thanks she is the best.

segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008

Minhas colunas no jornal 3

Sabendo Inglês de verdade

Oi pessoal. Vamos tratar hoje de um assunto que engana muita gente: o nível de conhecimento da língua que a pessoa tem.
De início um fato: aquele que fez um curso regular completo ou, em forma de aulas particulares, terminou um material didático, dificilmente fala, entende, lê e escreve perfeitamente. Vamos ver por quê.
O aluno determinado a aprender o máximo possível deve encarar o estudo como uma longa e difícil faculdade de, por exemplo, medicina. As duas ou três horas semanais estão MUITO longe de ser suficientes para que a pessoa tenha condições de, um dia, dizer “EU FALO INGLÊS”.
Falar qualquer língua equivale a ter, em relação a ela, o mesmo conhecimento da língua portuguesa. Muitas crianças e adolescentes, estes principalmente, se acham satisfeitíssimos ao tirar 7 ou 8 numa prova. Mas pensem comigo: se você tiver que dar uma pequena palestra em Inglês sobre um assunto que goste muito e apenas 70% do que você falar estiver certo, você terá credibilidade?
Ser fluente em Inglês é falar sem precisar passar pelo pensamento em Português, assistir a um programa de TV sem nem mesmo perceber que está em outro idioma por já ser bem natural, ler um romance, digitar um texto num bate-papo etc.
E como isso acontece? Só com livros didáticos? Impossível. A pessoa deve procurar todas as formas de treinamento existentes: ouvir música, assistir a filmes e seriados em Inglês, visitar websites, ler jornais e revistas; enfim, tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance.
Então, com as aulas, muita leitura e bastante listening, as chances de a pessoa realmente falar Inglês ao fim de um método adotado crescem exponencialmente.
E que método adotar? Aqueles que forneçam o máximo de opções possíveis. Minhas escolhas são as coleções Interchange e Grammar in Use. A primeira tem um material auditivo de excelente qualidade, desenhos e cores que ajudam imensamente na compreensão de textos e assuntos bem atuais. A outra é, simplesmente, a melhor coleção de gramática do mundo na opinião da maioria dos professores.
E se, mesmo adquirindo tudo isso você achar insuficiente, ainda resta muito o que fazer: a revista Speak Up é uma delas, os infindáveis volumes de vocabulário e gramática das livrarias são outras e a internet é a maior delas. Quer, por exemplo, mais exercícios de verbo to be? Digite “verb to be” no Google e observe a resposta. Acabei de achar 57.100 resultados para minha busca. Dá para fazer o mesmo com qualquer outro ponto e, se for possível, imprimir centenas de páginas de exercícios.
Você consegue! Força!

sábado, 19 de julho de 2008

Minhas colunas no jornal 2

Prevenindo alguns erros

Um assunto bem famoso, bem batido, mesmo para quem conhece pouco o idioma inglês refere-se aos falsos cognatos. Trata-se daqueles casos de palavras que parecem ser uma coisa, mas não são. Temos vários exemplos como parents, lunch e advice como substantivos e pretend e assume como verbos. Cuidado, então. Na maioria das vezes as palavras semelhantes às nossas são realmente o que parecem. Mas nem sempre.

Outro motivo que requer atenção: você sabe elaborar, de forma correta, as frases abordando o futuro? É fácil. Basta ficar de olho nas traduções ao pé da letra. Os dois tipos principais will e going to, às vezes podem ser usados tanto um quanto o outro (isso acontece muito em legendas de filmes), mas há uma diferença entre eles. Vamos lá.

Go é o equivalente em Inglês ao verbo ir, mas going to não necessariamente envolve o uso da ação ir. Por exemplo: tende-se, em Português, a usar sempre na fala “eu vou almoçar”, “eu vou ligar pra ele”, “nós vamos sair amanhã” ao invés de “almoçarei”, “ligarei” e “sairemos”. Fica meio esnobe, né? Todo mundo acha.

Peguemos por exemplo a frase “Vou ligar pra ele”. Ela tanto pode ser “I am going to call him” como “I’ll call him”. Vai depender de um detalhe: o planejamento da ação.
Trocando em miúdos com casos bem claros: se esta frase foi dita como um plano de ação para o futuro, usaremos o Going to. Então “Vou ligar pra ele este fim de semana” = “I am going to call him this weekend”.

Ao passo que, se esta frase foi dita como uma decisão imediata, não planejada, devemos usar will. Como a situação em que duas pessoas estão estudando matemática e, ao surgir uma dúvida, resolvem ligar para um amigo naquele mesmo instante. Fala-se “I’ll call Paul. Maybe he can help us”. (Vou ligar pro Paul. Talvez ele possa nos ajudar).

Assimilado? Legal. Então vamos a mais um tópico em que devemos ter cuidado para não errar. Em nossa cultura é comum chamarmos as mulheres mais novas de senhorita e as mais velhas de senhora. Ao aprendermos Miss e Mrs (pronuncia-se “mísses”), tendemos, de imediato, a ligar o primeiro à jovem e o segundo à outra. O vínculo, na verdade, é quanto ao estado civil. Usamos Mrs para casadas e Miss para solteiras. Isto independe da idade e deve-se mencionar sempre o sobrenome. Mrs Williams, Miss Parr, Mrs Helen White… Assim não há o risco de mal entendidos.

Vou ficando por aqui.
Até o mês que vem.

Fabio Costa e Silva da Rocha

Minhas colunas no jornal 1


Hi everybody!
Tive, esta semana, dois casos idênticos que mexeram muito comigo e queria compartilhar com vocês e fazer uma análise a respeito que talvez ajude alguns. Duas alunas, por volta de 30 anos, e em dias diferentes, ao perceber que estavam tendo muita dificuldade de aprender choraram copiosamente.
Acho que tive uma reação adequada de tranqüilizá-las e passar-lhes confiança para o futuro, para a continuidade das aulas. Elas melhoraram e estão confiantes, porém alguns fatos vêm me chamando a atenção repetidamente em relação a:

1 - Crianças e adolescentes - Por favor, estudem e não faltem às aulas. Inglês e Português não são matérias que devemos tirar uma nota para passar. Devemos assimilar e usar o que aprendemos pelo resto da vida e sempre aprendendo mais.Sem saber Inglês, um bom emprego é quase impossível. Com um bom planejamento dá pra se divertir sem deixar de estudar.

2 - Pais - Façam o que puderem para estimular seus filhos. Se for financeiramente possível, não meçam esforços para que eles aprendam Inglês.

3 - Professores - Conquistem os alunos através de dedicação, inteligência e criatividade.Se vocês puderem fazer (muitos cursos e escolas vetam qualquer material que não for o principal), usem figuras com eles e façam exercícios de repetição à exaustão. Levem recortes de objetos como um livro, uma bola, uma árvore, um supermercado, um ônibus e vão exercitando vocabulário e gramática (principalmente to be e simple present).Ex: Imprimam em 2 folhas a figura de um livro.Com uma das folhas mostrando a eles perguntem: "What is this? Is this yellow? Is it good for you? Do you like this?”.Agora com as duas repitam o procedimento com as frases plurais.Eles adoram e admiram muito quem faz, cria algo para eles.

4 - Alunos adultos - Não se desesperem. Todos são capazes de aprender. É um pouco mais difícil a partir dos 20 anos por causa de preocupações e horários referentes a faculdade, estágios, trabalhos, cônjuges e filhos, eu sei. Mas com estudo diário (15 minutinhos de contato com a língua já ajuda muito) e uma quantidade razoável de leituras, músicas, filmes e seriados, é possível conseguir.Não fiquem só em livros didáticos, diversifiquem. Pensem no Inglês como um carro e que a fala, a compreensão auditiva, a escrita e a gramática são, cada uma, uma roda. E se uma delas não vai bem, o carro não anda direito.

Fiquem com Deus.

Gabaritos dos Exercícios 1 a 9

Gabarito 1

Preencha as 8 perguntas abaixo com do - does - is - are
1 – Is she tired ?
2 - Are those people at the bank ?
3 – Do the men in your office wear ties ?
4 - Is the thief still in the neighborhood ?
5 – Does the bus take us to Lagoa ?
6 – Do all the books belong to you ?
7 – Is it a non-stop flight ?
8 – Do the red flags have stars ?

1 – she
2 – those people
3 – the men in your office
4 – the thief
5 – all the books
6 – it
7 – the red flags

Troca de palavras

1 – Is she sad ?
2 – Are those men at the bank ?
3 – Do the men in your office wear jackets ?
4 – Is the girl still in the neighborhood ?
5 – Does the bus take us to Botafogo ?
6 – Do all the books belong to him ?
7 - Is it a non-stop train ?
8 – Do the red shirts have stars ?

Pronomes Interrogativos

1 – Who is she ?
2 – Where are those people ?
3 – When do the men in your office wear ties ?
4 – Why is the thief still in the neighborhood ?

Gabarito 2

Gabarito das frases erradas.
Sempre em pares de 2 linhas: em cima a errada, em baixo a certa.

Frases com verbos errados.
Todas pensadas em Português.

I have 18 years old.
I am

I am with Michael on line 2.
I have Michael

She is using a nice T-shirt.
She is wearing

Let me pay a sandwich for you.
Let me buy you.

She did many friends in Lisbon last year.
She made

I forgot my cell phone in the car this afternoon.
I left

Have a strange girl in the room.
There is

She drives her bike every day.
She rides

She arrives in her house at 9p.m every night.
She gets home at..

I heard to say that she´s not coming.
I heard she´s...

She let me alone yesterday.
She left me

She lost the bus this morning.
She missed

Rise your hand !

She said me that she´s in love with me.
She said
She said to me
She told me

They passed three months in Canada last year.
They spent

They were going to steal the bank.
They were going to rob

She gives class here.
She teaches here.

They win $1,000.00 a month.
They make

I am going to lunch in 10 minutes.
I am going to have lunch

I walk watching a lot of movies lately.
I have been watching

Attend the phone !
Answer the phone

She´s been exploring him for years.
She´s been exploiting

She´s just painted her hair.
She´s just dyed

Are you liking your food ?
Are you enjoying

She pretends to be a singer.
She wants

You remember me of my mother.
You remind me of

He borned last month.
He was born

Do you study here ?
Do you go here ?

He is cutting the lawn.
He is mowing

He beat the door furiously.
He slammed

My mother is a housewife; my father works out.
...my father is a dentist, a doctor, an engineer...

He is hearing music.
He is listening to

I take 10 minutes to take a shower.
It takes me 10 minutes to...

Erase the lights !
Turn off

I passed all my clothes yesterday.
I ironed

She´s not passing well.
She´s not feeling well

I cut my hair yesterday.
I had my hair cut

Let´s ask a pizza.
Let´s order

They married yesterday.
They got married

I was seeing TV when you called.
I was watching TV

Gabarito 3

1 were
2 am not
3 do
4 don't
5 hasn't - is
6 were - were
7 nada
8 was ou wasn't - was ou wasn't
9 don't - have
10 don't
11 nada1
2 doesn't
13 was ou wasn't - was ou wasn't
14 have
15 is
16 don't
17 are
18 is - doesn't
19 has
20 don't e is ou nada e isn't
21 are
22 nada
23 are
24 did/didn't - was
25 has

Gabarito 4

Is it safe here ?
Do you have a car insurance ?

I have a light blue T-shirt.
Of course I want to go with you.

Father, forgive me for I have sinned.
We need a priest.

It´s his fate !
São Paulo is our destination.

The judge and the lawyer are coming.
A referee works in a soccer match.

She is less intelligent than the other girl.
Four minus one equals three

Let´s go to the beach today. At 9a.m.
Let´s go to the movies tonight. At 8p.m

I have already read this.
Have you brushed your teeth yet ?

Put the box under the bed.
The teller is my friend.

I´ll go there. Even if it´s raining.
It´s not the same. Let´s go.

It´s time to say goodbye.
The weather is nice tonight.

I love you very much.
This food is too hot ! I can´t eat it now.

We´ll meet at the bus stop.
They lost by fourteen points.

These gloves are made of rubber.
You´ll need a pencil and an eraser today.

You are too young to watch this.
My new car is wonderful !

Stop complaining ! The box is light.
Turn off the light.

I´ll have to book a room.
I haven´t bought that book yet.

My flat is comfortable.
We´ve got a flat tire.

He´s cool ! I like him.
It´s so cool in here…

The book is on the table. (Dãããã…)
Take a look at the table of items.

May I help you ?
I was born in May.

Jump over this wall ! Quickly !
The walls in my house are white.

How can you stand her ?
Am I standing on your left foot ?

The pen is blue. (Dãããã 2 – A missão )
Poor girl… She´s so blue ! Let´s talk to her

Gabarito 5

Na linha de cima a errada, na de baixo a certa

Mrs Angela is a nice woman. Her name is Angela Oliveira Silva.
Mrs Angela Silva ou Mrs Silva

Good night, Julie. How are you ?
Good evening

I need to buy a pencil and a eraser for my son.
an eraser

Waiter: "Wait a minute, sir. This is your key ?"
Is this your key ?

I think that is impossible to read this.
that it is impossible

My wallet is in my bed.
on my bed

I live in Brazil.My parents live in United States.
in the United States

How is your girlfriend ? Resp: She is tall and beautiful.
What is your girlfriend like ?

My mother has 52 years.
My mother is 52 years old.

She is using a beautiful white dress.
She is wearing

My new jeans is blue.
are blue

Your book is yellow and yours pens are blue.
your pens

São Paulo Futebol Clube was the champion of last year.
was last year's champion.

What time is it ? Resp: It is eleven nine. We are almost ten minutes late.
eleven oh nine

Whose is this cell phone ?
Whose cell phone is this ?

It's sun ! Let's play soccer outside.
Its sunny.

I go to work by car and my parents go by foot.
on foot

These are my sons: Bob and Julia.
my children

Good morning. Here is Fabio speaking.
This is Fabio speaking.

Have a cockroach in the kitchen.
There is

My mother is secretary.
a secretary

I like very much chocolate.
chocolate very much

What time you want to go ?
do you

My brother plays piano all the time.
the piano

I go usually to Teresópolis to visit my friends.
usually go

Do you can help me ?
Can you

The Rio Sul is on Lauro Sodré street.
Rio Sul

How went your weekend ?
How was

With who did you travel?
Who did you travel with ?

I kicked the ball and hurt my finger. Now I can't walk.
my toe

I borned in Rio de Janeiro.
I was born

Did you enjoy the trip ? Resp: Yes, I enjoyed.
Yes I did

Gabarito 6

Coloque uma palavra que faça sentido na frase:

1 - many
2 - eat
3 - raining
4 - do
5 - she6 - usually
7 - door
8 - to
9 - like
10 - ten - magazine

Gabarito 7

1 - Ligado ao substantivo singular.
2 - Brothers só para homens
3 - Her 1 - Adjective pronoun; Her 2 - Objective pronoun.
4 - Ação que começou no passado e se prolonga para o futuro.
5 - Usamos whether e nao if ligado a or.

Retire do texto:
1 - older - most important night
2 - tomorrow
3 - a good idea

Gabarito 8

1 - Luis's life
2 - The boys' lives
3 - Pedro LIKES TO play THE piano.
4 - there is
5 - Pedro is eleven years old...
6 - Pedro goes to school every day.
7 - relaxes ou rests
8 - a musician in Germany.

Gabarito 9

1– Those people see the actress on TV every day.
2 – Do those people see the actress on TV every day ?
3 – When do those people see the actress on TV ?
They see her on TV every day.
4 – Already - Those people have already seen the actress on TV.
Yesterday - Those people saw the actress on TV yesterday.
Tomorrow night - Those people are going to see the actress on TV tomorrow night.
Yet - Those people haven't seen the actress on TV yet
5 – Artist
6 – The actress is seen on TV every day ( by the people ).
7 – The actress was seen on TV yesterday.
The actress is going to be seen on TV tomorrow.
8 – They see her on Tv

Veja a frase a seguir
She used to buy bread every day at the supermarket

1 – Errada, primeiro o lugar, depois o tempo. She...at the supermarket every day.
2 – Bread used to be bought...
3 – She didn't use to buy...
4 – What did she use to buy...?
She used to buy bread...
5 – They used to buy bread ( e nao breads)...
6 – She used to buy any bread ( qualquer pão )
She didn't use to buy any bread ( nenhum tipo de pão )
7 – How much bread did she use to buy...?

Corrija os erros das frases e explique
1 – I have an unit to study in the book.
a unit - usamos a e nao an antes de u com som de you.
2 – While I was talking on the phone, had an ambulance going down the street
..., there was an ambulance
Usamos there to be para existência
3 – Have you ever gone to Europe ?
Have you ever been to Europe ?
gone - foi e não voltou
been - foi e já voltou
Ex: Maria has gone to Europe. ( ainda tá lá )
I've been to Canada 3 times ( e tô aqui no RJ )
4 - Last Tuesday I made two things: first I visited my mother, after I went to the shopping.
Não é made, é did - atividade geral.
Não é after é then, after that ou afterwards. Palavras que indicam sequência de acontecimentos.
5 – I think I am going to kill him
I think I will. Usamos think + will

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2008

Exercício 13

As frases abaixo podem servir de tópicos de conversação ou redação.

1 - How was your life in 2004 ? Was it better or worse than nowadays ?
2 - Would you accept a free trip to spend only a weekend in Spain ? You can only get there on Sat at 1 p.m and come back on Sun at 6 p.m
You have to watch a soccer match. Live.
You are only allowed to watch it and come back.
3 - What are two situations in your life that you feel you have to be prepared for all the time ?
4 - Would you be able to spend one month without using your credit card ?
5 - If you were the new manager in a big company and your employees asked you to do something to reduce the number of meetings what would you do ?
6 - What is the biggest challenge in your life ?
7 - Do you think you have a balance between your professional life and your personal life ? 9 - When you are very tired, what activities make you relax ?
8 - What is something that you don't do much but would like to do more ?
9 - Complete the sentences
I am
I would like to be
I am a person who
I like people who
When I am very sad I usually
A great place I've been to is
One thing I do well is
One person I really admire is
Someday I'll buy
It is hard for me to
I finally decided to
It is always impossible for me to
10 - What makes you wake up early on a Sunday ?

Exercício 12

Os verbos abaixo estão com as letras fora de ordem. Conserte a bagunça e complete os espaços no texto.

evol - eb - veha - teem - ealcn - og - plees - meco - narel - cheat - veha - iistv

Sue ________ a teacher.
She ________ Portuguese.
All the people ________ a lot in her classes. They ________ her !
Sue ________ home at 2 and ________ lunch.
By 5 pm she ________ shopping. Sometimes she has to ________ her house.
She usually ________ her grandmother and ________ a snack with her.
Every Sunday she ________ her parents.

Agora faça uma pergunta para cada linha do texto.
Ex: Linha 1 - What does Sue do ?

Coloque tudo o que você puder no masculino no texto.

Crie outras frases com os verbos.

Exercício 11

1 - Em que caso faríamos estas perguntas:
Is he your boyfriend ?
He is your boyfriend ?
He is your boyfriend, isn't he ?

2 - Por quê, nos pares de perguntas abaixo, as segundas não têm auxiliar ?
Who do you love ?
Who loves you ?

How many books do you want ?
How many girls came yesterday ?

Which boat do you want to buy ?
Which player has the best results ?

3 - Qual a diferença entre as frases ?
They have played a lot this morning.
They played a lot this morning.
Obs - As duas estão certas.

4 - Por quê a segunda frase abaixo está errada ?
She can play the piano.
She can be a little late

5 - Se os verbos want e understand não são usados no present continuous como explicar as frases abaixo ?
Understanding math is important for everybody.
Wanting everything is dangerous for you.

6- Usando seus conhecimentos sobre adjetivos, insira um substantivo na frase de modo a não mudar seu sentido.
Ex: She is beautiful.
Beautiful = qualidade, característica, adjetivo.
Resp: She is a beautiful girl.

It's unbelievable.
They are only 5 years old.
It's useless.

Exercício 10

English Test

1 – “Sue has many friends.” – Qual outra forma de dizer a mesma coisa usando outro tempo verbal. Conjugue os dois casos na negativa e interrogativa.

2 – Faça 6 frases com USED TO
A – Afirmativa – Sujeito THEY

B – Afirmativa – Sujeito SHE

C – Negativa

D – Pergunta

E – Pergunta com What + Resposta

3 – “She told me she’d rather watch TV tonight.”
A frase está certa ? Por que ? Qual outra forma de dizer isto ?

4 – “ I met him yesterday while he ( was buying / bought ) magazines at the mall.
A – As 2 estão certas
B – was buying
C – bought
D – as 2 estão erradas
Explique por que.

5 – Faça todas as perguntas possíveis para as frases abaixo.
A – Maria lost her wallet yesterday.

B – I went to the movies with Bill.

C – Marcus said he is not capable of drinking beer.

D – This book costs 90 dollars.

6 – “Have a lot of changes in this town lately”
A – Corrija a frase

B – Faça uma frase em que a palavra HAVE esteja correta nesta posição na frase.

7 – Qual a diferença entre:
A – You mustn’t go there tomorrow e you don´t have to go there tomorrow.

8 – Qual o passado de I must go ?

Exercício 9

Veja as palavras a seguir:
On TV see the day actress those people every

1 – Coloque em ordem
2 – Passe para a forma interrogativa
3 – Insira agora um pronome interrogativo, faça a pergunta e dê a resposta completa
4 – Reescreva a frase usando:
Tomorrow night
(algumas vao ter de mudar de tempo verbal)
5 – Qual um sinonimo para actress ?
6 – Coloque a frase base na voz passiva
7 – Agora passe esta passiva para o passado e para o futuro
8 – Substitua, na frase base, o sujeito e o objeto direto por pronomes

Veja a frase a seguir
She used to buy bread every day at the supermarket

1 – A frase está certa ? Por que ?
2 – Coloque na voz passiva
3 – Coloque a ativa na negativa
4 – Faça uma pergunta com What e responda de acordo com as informações dadas na frase
5 – Coloque a frase base no plural
6 – Coloque ANY nas formas afirmativa e negativa desta frase e explique a diferença
7 – Como você faria uma pergunta para saber qual a quantidade de pão que ela comprava ?

Corrija os erros das frases e explique

1 – I have an unit to study in the book
2 – While I was talking on the phone, had an ambulance going down the street
3 – Have you ever gone to Europe ?
4 - Last Tuesday I made two things: first I visited my mother, after I went to the shopping.
5 – I think I am going to kill him

quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2008

Exercício 8

Texto - Exercício de Gramática e Vocabulário.

Obs - Os muitos erros no texto abaixo são de propósito.

Pedro's life

Pedro like play piano.
He has a very beautiful piano and have a trophy on it.
Pedro has 11 years and he lives with his parents and two brothers.
His brothers' names are John and Mark.
Pedro goes every day to college.
He goes to Cabo Frio on weekends, where he relaxs and goes to the beach.
He wants to be musician in German.

1 - Substitua Pedro por Luis no título.
2 - Substitua Pedro por THE BOYS no título.
3 - Corrija os três erros da primeira frase do texto.
4 - A palavra HAVE está errada na segunda frase. Como é a construção certa ?
5 - Reescreva a terceira frase de modo correto.
6 - Há um erro de ordem de palavras na quinta frase e um de vocabulário. Aponte os dois.
7 - Aponte o erro da sexta frase.
8 - Há 2 erros na última linha. Quais são ?

Exercício 7


Linda is a very beautiful blond girl.
She lives with her parents and two siblings: John, who is one year older than her, and Martha, who is 2 years younger.
She has lived with them all her life in Botafogo.
She likes it there very much because it’s near the beaches, the subway, the supermarkets and the malls.
She goes to PUC every morning where she‘s learning how to be a good English teacher.
She intends to work in an English course like her mother.
Tonight is the most important night in her life. Her boyfriend, Markus, is coming back from a business trip to the United States and she is missing him a lot. She also expects him to propose.
She has been thinking about this all day long.
If everything’s all right tonight, tomorrow she’ll try to talk to her boss about her next vacations. She and Markus are going to visit her grandparents in Portugal. Maybe they’ll go to Paris too but it’s not certain yet.
She would like to go there to know whether it’s a good idea or not to come back later for their honeymoon.

1 - Explique a existência do artigo "a" na primeira frase.
2 - Na linha 2, por quê o uso de siblings e não brothers ?
3 - Qual a diferença entre os dois "her" na linha 2?
4 - Explique o Present Perfect da linha 4 .
5 - No último parágrafo, porque "whether" e não "if" na última frase ?

Retire do texto:
1 - Um comparativo e um superlativo.
2 - Uma palavra que indique futuro.
3 - Uma construção artigo + adjetivo + substantivo

Exercício 6

Coloque uma palavra que faça sentido na frase:

1- I have _________ books
2- Would you like to ________ some popcorn?
3- It is _________ a lot. You should take an umbrella with you.
4- What are you going to ________ tonight?
5- ________ wants to go out now.
6- She _________ sleeps before 11:00 pm.
7- Close the _________.
8- I want _________ sleep before 10:00pm tonight.
9- She doesn’t _______ these magazines.
10- I need ______ dollars to buy that________.

Exercício 5

Todas as linhas têm erro. Corrija-os.

Mrs Angela is a nice woman. Her name is Angela Oliveira Silva.
Good night, Julie. How are you ?
I need to buy a pencil and a eraser for my son.
Waiter: "Wait a minute, sir. This is your key ?"
I think that is impossible to read this.
My wallet is in my bed.
I live in Brazil. My parents live in United States.
How is your girlfriend ? Resp: She is tall and beautiful.
My mother has 52 years.
She is using a beautiful white dress.
My new jeans is blue.
Your book is yellow and yours pens are blue.
São Paulo Futebol Clube was the champion of last year.
What time is it ? Resp: It is eleven nine. We are almost ten minutes late.
Whose is this cell phone ?
It's sun ! Let's play soccer outside.
I go to work by car and my parents go by foot.
These are my sons: Bob and Julia.
Good morning. Here is Fabio speaking.
Have a cockroach in the kitchen.
My mother is secretary.
I like very much chocolate.
What time you want to go ?
My brother plays piano all the time.
I go usually to Teresópolis to visit my friends.
Do you can help me ?
The Rio Sul is on Lauro Sodré street.
How went your weekend ?
With who did you travel?
I kicked the ball and hurt my finger. Now I can't walk.
I borned in Rio de Janeiro.
Did you enjoy the trip ? Resp: Yes, I enjoyed.

Exercício 4

Exercicio de Vocabulário

Exercício 1 - As palavras abaixo em Português podem significar mais de uma coisa em Inglês.
Ex: Cara
Cara ou Coroa ? Heads or tails ?
Cara, vem cá ! Man, come here !
Aquele cara é tão chato... That guy is so boring...
Olá, cara amiga ! Hello, dear friend !
Que TV cara ! What an expensive TV set !

Usando pelo menos dois casos diferentes, faça o mesmo com:
1 - The computer is behind those books.
2 - She left her office five minutes ago.



Exercíco 2 - O mesmo acontece com palavras do Inglês para o Português
1 - Can I help you ?
2 - Give me a can of that beer.


Exercício 3


Obs 1 - Há também frases negativas
Obs 2 - Pode ser que uma ou outra frase nao precise de nada
Obs 3 - É importante entender o vocabulário do exercício.

1 - They _________ at the beach yesterday.
2 - I _________ a stupid guy.
3 - _________ you need glasses ?
4 - I _________ need help. I can do it alone.
5 - She _________ come yet. She _________ still at home.
6 - _________ you tall when you _________ a child ?
7 - She has _________ to get up early every day.
8 - I _________ expecting to see you when I _________ in hospital that awful day.
9 - They _________ want to eat these fruit now because they _________ just had lunch.
10 - If you _________ come to my party you will not receive any souvenirs.
11 - She _________ had to go a few minutes ago.
12 - That cute teddy bear _________ have brown fur like almost all the others.
13 - She _________ kidding when she said she _________ angry with you.
14 - _________ you bought any magazines lately ?
15 - _________ she always jealous ?
16 - _________ turn off the lights. It's dark in here.
17 - These _________ good guys. You can trust them.
18 - It _________ a non-stop flight. It _________ stop anywhere.Obs - non-stop = adjetivo ; stop = verbo
19 - Ask him if she _________ cut his arm accidentally or on purpose.
20 - I _________ like him because he _________ dishonest.
21 - Look ! The cars _________ crashing.
22 - Be prepared to watch a nice _________ show.
23 - _________ you with her ?
24 - _________ you talk to her when she _________ in Canada ?
25 - She _________ already lost her passport. Unbelievable !

Exercício 2

Corrija as frases com verbos errados.
Todas foram pensadas em Português.

I have 18 years.
I am with Michael on line 2.
She is using a nice T-shirt.
Let me pay a sandwich for you.
She did many friends in Lisbon last year.
I forgot my cell phone in the car this afternoon.
Have a strange girl in the room.
She drives her bike every day.
She arrives in her house at 9p.m every night.
I heard to say that she´s not coming.
She let me alone yesterday.
She lost the bus this morning.
Rise your hand !
She said me that she´s in love with me.
They passed three months in Canada last year.
They were going to steal that lady.
She gives class here.
They win $1,000.00 a month.
I am going to lunch in 10 minutes.
I walk watching a lot of movies lately.
Attend the phone !
She´s been exploring him for years.
She´s just painted her hair.
Are you liking your food ?
She pretends to be a singer when she gets older.
You remember me of my mother.
He borned last month.
Do you study here ?
He is cutting the lawn.
He beat the door furiously.
My mother is a housewife; my father works out.
He is hearing music.
I take 10 minutes to take a shower.
Erase the lights !
I passed all my clothes yesterday.
She´s not passing well.
I cut my hair yesterday.
Let´s ask a pizza.
They married yesterday.
I was seeing TV when you called.

Exercício 1

Preencha as 8 perguntas abaixo com do - does - is - are

1 - __________she tired ?
2 - __________ those people at the bank ?
3 - __________the men in your office wear ties ?
4 - __________ the thief still in the neighborhood ?
5 - __________the bus take us to Lagoa ?
6 - __________ all the books belong to you ?
7 - __________it a non-stop flight ?
8 - __________the red flags have stars ?

Circule o sujeito de cada pergunta acima.
Troque uma palavra de cada frase por uma outra de modo que faça sentido.
Obs - Não se pode trocar uma palavra por mais de uma .
Insira, em 4 destas frases, who, where, why e when.
Voce vai perceber que algumas precisam de mais modificaçoes.