quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

Exercício 20

1 - She told me she ____________ when her mother called her for lunch.
Was working ou Had been working ? Por quê ?

2 - Passe para o plural:
That strange guy and his beautiful girlfriend are waiting for the bus.

3 - Passe para o singular:
They are people who need to work as soon as possible.

4 - Dê sinônimos para as expressões em negrito:
Everybody says that she has to be more patient.
Don't be so naïve !
She is not old enough to go there.

5 - Reescreva as frases abaixo, que não estão erradas, de um modo mais natural:
I have to drive 50 minutes to get to work every day.
I don't know how to cook.

6 - Use a palavra em negrito para escrever outra frase em que seu significado seja completamente diferente:
Ex: She was born in May.
May I open the window ?

a) Can I help you ?
b) She is a pretty girl.
c) I can't open the door without my key.

7 - As palavras que completam os espaços em branco abaixo podem ser extraídas da palavra SUPERMARKET.
Ex: I hurt my ________ yesterday.
Resp: ARM - Sétima, oitava e sexta letras da palavra Supermarket.

a) Let's have some ____________ at 5p.m.
b) I am going to ____________ a shower in 5 minutes.
c) You'll probably need a ____________ to find that street.
d) They ____________ me laugh all the time.

8 - As frases You have to go e You must go significam a mesma coisa já suas respectivas negativas You don't have to go e You mustn't go não são similares. Por quê ?

9 - Por quê a frase abaixo está errada ?
The child and her dogs are waiting for you.
Obs - Não há contexto anterior.

10 - Complete de modo que a frase faça sentido:
a) When I was a child I used...
b) The baby is among...
c) Whose car...?

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

1 - Was working
2 - Those strange guys and their beautiful girlfriends are waiting for the buses.

3 - They are people who need to work as soon as possible.

4 - Dê sinônimos para as expressões em negrito: ?????
naïve = selfish

5 - My way to go to work takes 50 minutes.
I can´t cook

6 - não dá pra saber o negrito

7 -
a) Let's have some ____________ at 5p.m.
b) I am going to TAKE a shower in 5 minutes.
c) You'll probably need a MAP to find that street.
d) They MAKE me laugh all the time.

8 - As frases You have to go e You must go significam a mesma coisa já suas respectivas negativas You don't have to go e You mustn't go não são similares. Por quê ?
nÃO SEI :(

9 - Por quê a frase abaixo está errada ?
The child and her dogs are waiting for you.
Obs - Não há contexto anterior.

10 - Complete de modo que a frase faça sentido:
a) When I was a child I used TO PLAY HIDE-AND-SICK EVERYDAY.
b) The baby is among HER MOTHER'S ARMS.
c) Whose car IS THIS?