quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

Mais exercícios

Assuntos abordados

Countable - Uncountable words
Comparison of adjectives
Genitive Case
Future - Will
Passive voice

As frases abaixo estão perfeitas mas podem ser construídas de outra forma, igualmente certa.
Veja o exemplo:

She is not old enough to go to nightclubs. (usar TOO abaixo)
Outra frase: She is too young to go to nightclubs.

I have few dollars. I can't buy you that toy. (little)
Thank you very much. (lot)
He is wearing a black suit. (pants)
You should check the place first. (to)
Maria is twice as rich as Joana. (much)
Why did she miss the bus ? (How)
How much is it ? (does)
Her husband's sister is her best friend. (...law)
Maybe I will go to the bank tomorrow. (might)
Do you have to go there now ? (got)
Could I borrow your book? (lend)
My wife bought these books yesterday. (were)

2 comentários:

Praguejenta disse...

Nossa Fábio, estive olhando seu blog.... Estou encantada!!! Parabéns!!! Me ajudou mto e tenho certeza de que ajudou mtos colegas tb. Um forte abraço e Deus te abençoe!! Ah...have a good year!!!

Fabio Costa e Silva disse...

Oi Rasputia. Deus te abençoe também e muito obrigado pelo carinho da mensagem. Fico muito feliz por poder te ajudar.