terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009

Last Weekend

Esta é uma espécie de diário da minha viagem a Angra. Prestem bastante atenção ao uso dos tempos verbais, palavras chave e ao vocabulário em geral.

Last Friday, my wife, my daughter and I went to a resort in Angra.
We had been counting down the days since April and finally it was time to go.
We woke up last Friday and unfortunately it was raining. We went by car and it took us 3 hours to get there. We went to our room, left our luggage there and went to the restaurant in order to have lunch. It was amazing ! It was delicious and there was a great variety of food.
At 3 o clock we took our daughter to "Kid´s Point" to play with other kids and then we slept almost 3 hours ( What a good sensation it is to sleep in cold weather in an excellent hotel in another city !)
Then we picked her up, had dinner, watched TV and went to bed.
Saturday was the best day. The weather was great and we could do a lot of things: first we had a huge breakfast, after that we spent long hours by the swimming pool having fun all the time. We played games, drank a lot (non-alchoholic drinks, ok ?), read and slept.
On Sunday we did the same but unfortunately, on Monday, our last day there, the weather was terrible again. It was worse than Friday and we slept until almost 11 a.m. That´s ok though because we were tired (What a wonderful thing it is to be tired of having fun !)
We came back home in the afternoon.

Tentei colocar várias construções que os brasileiros em geral têm muita dificuldade por pensar em Português. Tentem prestar atenção a todos os detalhes, ao uso de artigos, tempos verbais, expressões, ao IT que todo mundo esquece...
Espero que este diariozinho seja útil para as pessoas.

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